Monday, August 13, 2007

Malaysia at 50

The Straits Times today quoted one of the Kuala Lumpur correspondent as stated " A Nation in No Mood to celebrate". Yes! If you ask me this question then I will reply you like that. Especially when I gone through the Singapore NDP recently, their society is moving forward but our nation is moving backward.

Our nation second man and the formerly No. one man openly declared our nation as an Islamic state by ignoring our national contract agreement between all races during the independent day.

As a Malaysian, I sincerely hope in one day our leader can be more "Malaysian concept" not "Malay concept" or "Chinese Concept". By ignoring other minority feeling to gain support within their own ethic should be removed immediately from our country leadership name list.

I hope our nation can celebrate more meaningful from all the Malaysian heart and not covering by a short while colourful firework and later go back to square or even more backward steps!

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